Brittex Blog

Miami-Dade Wellfield Protection Areas
April 16th, 2008 9:31 PM
Developers of land in areas of Miami-Dade County where there are wellfields would have to agree with Miami-Dade County to property covenants that is generally a binding agreement made between a property owner and Miami-Dade County that restricts the use of that property. This may be the only way in which a certain type of activity may be permitted with a property located in the "cone of influence" of a well.

The land use restrictions requiring covenants can be broken down into three categories;

1) Restricted land use within a Wellfield Protection Area,

2) Restricted Land use due to the use of a septic tank,

3) Restricted Land Use to protect a natural resource.

Link to the Wellfield Protection Areas

Posted in:General
Posted by Britt J. Rosen, Cert. Gen. RZ1858 on April 16th, 2008 9:31 PMPost a Comment

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