Photos of Miami-Dade County Courthouse of 1925 - Downtown Miami, Florida 73 W. Flagler Street, Miami-Dade, FL Located in Miami's Central Business District, the couthourse was the tallest structure in Miami-Dade County. The building houses the Circuit and County Civil Court, and the Family Court. I think of this building as downtown's anchor and it is still centrally located today. In 1904, a courthouse was erected and it stood until 1924, when the city’s population grew. In 1925 the new building was built at the same site. Turkey Vultures fly high above the building continually circling and landing on top of the stepped courthouse roof. These steps are part of the structure's architectural signature, which is visible from I-95. The East facade (below) is beautiful with its fluted columns and details. This building is undergoing an extensive renovation (see the links below for more information on the restoration). East Facade of the Miami-Dade Courthouse Sign located on the north wall adjacent to the etnry steps. View from the north looking southeast Links: